How to make a IEPF recovery
IEPF stands for Investor Education and Protection Fund is incorporated under Section 125 of Companies Act 2013. IEPF is a government authority that is entrusted to check all unclaimed dividends, deposits, shares, etc., of a company. It looks over refunds of shares, matured deposits/debentures, unclaimed dividends, etc., to investors. What is transferred to IEPF? There is a vast amount of unclaimed money piling up with the IEPF in the form of old equity shares, dividends, debentures, etc. The remaining unclaimed investments for seven years or more are generally transferred to the IEPF. The following are the heads they fall under: The investor does not yet claim dividends issued by the company. Shares as per the folio under which the dividends have remained unclaimed for a consecutive period of 7 years. Matured debentures that are unclaimed with the company. Matured deposits with a company except banking companies. Sale proceeds of fraction shares that arises due to amalgamation is...