The claim of Shares from IEPF: Eligibility, Procedure, and Everything Else You Need To Know
IEPF is set up for providing awareness and protection of investor interest. The IEPF is monitored by a trust which has been given the authority under subsection 4. Claims of shares from IEPF are refunded to the IEPF Authority. The main objective of IEPF is to educate investors on the protection of the fund. Functions Of IEPF - To plan the proposal of the projects for IEPF that includes research activities also. - Coordinating with the institution involved in educating the investor and spreading awareness. - Furnishing the reports for the Central Government after 6 months. - Appointing one or more subcommittees for ensuring the smooth functioning of the fund. - Preparing the proposals for the registration of voluntary association or organization involved in the activities of IEPF - Provide protection in the form of seminars, symposiums, and proposals for the registration of voluntary associations. IEPF Recovery- Is it possible to recover money credited to IEPF? IEPF Recovery is n...