
Showing posts from September, 2022

What Separates A Share Transfer From A Share Transmission?

  A transfer is defined as the moving of an asset. Physical mobility, asset ownership, or both may be considered movements. This movement may be voluntary or mandated by legislation in the case of securities. In order to clearly explain the concept of the Transfer and Transmission of Shares and make them easier to distinguish from one another, we must first learn the meaning of some terms that are frequently used in connection with them. The transfer of shares occurs through a contract and is a voluntary act on the part of the shareholder. The transfer of shares occurs as a result of the law's operation upon the death of the shareholder or in the event that the holder becomes bankrupt or insane. Definition of Share Transfer The intentional transfer of ownership of the shares between the transferor (one who transfers) and the transferee is referred to as a transfer of shares (one who receives). A public corporation's shares can be freely transferred unless the company has a goo...

How can I get my Shares back from IEPF

Many investors put their money into shares, but they either forget to claim them, or they expire before they can be used. In these situations, the money is left unclaimed for a very long time. The Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) was thus established by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) to ensure that the unclaimed shares might be transferred to and received by the appropriate party by performing the procedure of IEPF shares claim . Who May Submit a Share Recovery Application to the IEPF Authority? By giving an application to the IEPF Authority, any shareholder for whom the unclaimed shares have been forwarded to the IEPF may request a refund of those shares. The claim of Share from IEPF Procedure ● Step 1: filing by the claimant with authority A claimant should submit Form IEPF-5 on the MCA site if they want a refund or obtain their shares back in their name. On the form, the claimant must fill out the following details: ● Information about the application (clai...