Duplicate Share Certificate: What They Are, How To Deal With Them, and Why It's Important!
It's a common practice at many companies to create duplicate share certificates . This practice can be very helpful in case there is a need to sell shares. This blog will outline what a duplicate share certificate is and why these should be issued. It will also outline how these certificates should be issued and issued correctly. What they are: As an entrepreneur, you'll eventually need to work with investors at some point in your business's lifespan. When it comes time to do so, make sure their interests are protected by issuing them with the appropriate legal documentation, like share certificates (also known as stock certificates or shareholdings). This document has historical value and serves as proof of ownership for your company's shares. A shareholder can demonstrate financial responsibility to lenders, investors, and potential partners by providing legally sanctioned documentation of their stake in the business. Shareholders who themselves or whose certifica...